FRANKFURTER START-UP LINTUM SCHLIESST EINE WEITERE FINANZIERUNGSRUNDE AB Das Frankfurter Legal Tech Start-Up Lintum hat im Mai 2021 seine erste Finanzierungsrunde mit der BMH Beteiligungs-Managementgesellschaft Hessen mbH (‘BMH’) abgeschlossen. Insgesamt betrug das Volumen der Finanzierungsrunde 800.000 EUR, wovon allein 400.000 aus Mitteln der BMH stammen. Mit einer disruptiven Idee will Lintum die bestehenden Beschaffungsprozesse von […]
Lintum visited LWYRD! Lintum war zu Gast bei LWYRD! Gemeinsam mit Moderatorin Katharina E. Gangnus sprachen Christian W. Jakob und Dr. Jens Kellerhoff in der folgenden Podcast-Episode und dem exklusiven Director’s Cut über den sich wandelnden deutschen Rechtsmarkt, die digitale Rechtsbeschaffung und enthüllten spannende Insights über Lintum. Schalten Sie ein und erfahren Sie mehr! […]
Alternative Gebührenregelungen
ALTERNATIVE FEE ARRANGEMENTS Several types of fee agreements are common in legal practice in Germany. Still the most widespread one is the traditional ‘billable hour’ (model 1); a modification of this is the ‘blended rate’ (model 2). In the hourly rate model, the client pays an hourly amount based on the seniority of the relevant […]
Are Law Firm panels and auction-based RFPs mutually exclusive, and do panels deliver the expected results?
ARE LAW FIRM PANELS AND AUCTION-BASED RFPS MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, AND DO PANELS DELIVER THE EXPECTED RESULTS? In recent years, a number of the largest German corporations have created so called ‘Panels of Law Firms’, ‘Preferred Law Firm Lists’ etc. in the hope to considerably reduce their legal spend (According to a survey published in 2015 […]
Digital Legal Procurement – a trend still gaining strength post-Corona?
DIGITAL LEGAL PROCUREMENT – A TREND STILL GAINING STRENGTH POST-CORONA? What were the main effects of the 2008 financial crisis for legal departments of corporations in Germany? As a result of that profound economic crisis, Chief Financial Officers and General Counsels started rethinking their purchasing of legal services. Corporations increasingly understood that the cost of […]