Leading legal departments use Lintum to improve the selection of their law firms. We show you how to find the most qualified law firm for your client tenders or follow-up mandates. We make the law firm market transparent with smart data.
Award mandates in a clear structured process. With our cloud-based tool, you get a comparable and transparent overview of the offers of your law firms.
Invite and compare different law firms and select the most qualified one. Achieve better results with your legal department by selecting the right firm for each RFP.
Average cost savings of 20%.
0 %
Volume that has already been awarded via Lintum
0 Mio.
Time savings compared to traditional tendering
0 %
Number of legal areas

Create. Execute. Evaluate.

Introducing Lintum - Your leading legal evaluation solution

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Effective Legal Procurement for:

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The tool of choice for the world's leading legal departments.

About us

The tool of choice for the world's leading legal departments.
Georgios Tsouvekis

Georgios Tsouvekis


Georgios is a long time expert in SaaS sales and originally served as Head of Sales at Lintum. Additionally, leveraging his years of expertise and passion, he actively supports early-stage startups as an external consultant in developing and implementing go-to-market strategies. As a mentor and coach, he guides young sales talents in developing & improving their sales skills.

Stephan Gittermann

Stephan Gittermann

Chairman of the Advisory Board | Founder

Stephan is a senior partner at a leading German law firm. He has worked for international law firms in their Frankfurt and London offices for more than 20 years, advising large corporations and financial institutions on cross-border M&A and capital markets transactions. Stephan has a profound knowledge of the legal market. He is registering an increasing need to award mandates in a structured, digitalized process.

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